Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow,0,1317121,full.story#axzz2suaWpYoS
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
Interesting. As an aside I loathe Girls - saw one episode and found it painfully cliched. To be fair I'm not exactly the target demographic so I asked the target demographic and she said "yeah - it's...
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
i really like girlsi almost didn't cancel my hbo because i wanted to catch the 3rd seasonthe freshest comedy on tv imoshe's talking about stuff that other shows just won't touchi believe lena dunham...
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
muttanjeff wrote:the whole thing is a messyoung women who have been abused want to be heard and believed (as they should be)men are afraid of being falsely accusedBeautifully and simply put, mutt.
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
Mutt:i really like girlsGlad we're clear about that.At least until HBO comes out with a series called Boys. At which time you'll either lose your annoying "i don't use capitals" affectation......or...
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
At least until HBO comes out with a series called Boys --------- Boom!!
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
RHajmand wrote:Mutt:i really like girlsGlad we're clear about that.At least until HBO comes out with a series called Boys. At which time you'll either lose your annoying "i don't use capitals"...
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
View ArticleRe: Younger women outspoken about Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow
I have decided to throw down a challenge Rhajie. I will use capitals as long as you will exercise 100% unadultered, pure animated gif restraint. None. Zero. Nada. Shall we begin ? I gotta go now since...
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